Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to find Red, Orange and Yellow Tomatoes

And green, and brown or coca cola coloured to be exact.

Well, this is the dilemma I faced after I watched Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten, putting together some burgers and those wonderfully coloured tomatoes. I could not get them off my mind, and as I have got a BIG FOOD weekend coming on soon, I thought it would be great for my family and friends to not only eat with their mouths, but with their eyes.

I went on the hunt.

My first stop was Sainsbury’s as I know they stock red and yellow cherry tomatoes. In the past, these were found easily at Waitrose. These were not what I was looking for. I needed the full sized tomatoes. I then went to my bookshelf, picked up my London’s Market Guide (Metro Guides) and looked up farmers markets. But even this was not enough. Most farmer’s markets are open only on Saturdays and this was not good enough for me. I turned to Google! I looked up London Farmer’s Market and looked for what I could buy. I browsed the vegetable and salad section and voila! I came across the Tomato Stall! They had all kinds of tomatoes, in all shapes, sizes and colours. Now I was hooked, I just had to get my hands on these tomatoes.

I mentioned before that most farmers markets are open only on Saturdays; which did not work for me. I decided to give The Tomato Stall a call to find out where else I could find them. They mentioned I may have a bit of luck by getting in touch with Wholefoods. I did just that. I phoned up Wholefoods, asked the all important question and within 20 minutes I was at their store to purchase my assortment of tomatoes. I picked out red ones, orange ones, yellow ones, green ones, small to medium and large sizes. I went completely tomato crazy. £14 pounds later, I had just under 3 kg of tomatoes.

What did I do with them? Stay tuned and read the next post to find out.

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